Applied Category Theory for Engineering

This site is a place to make available some resources on compositionality and engineering, and it is maintained by the Frazzoli group at ETH Zurich and by the Zardini group at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is skewed towards our particular knowledge and interests (applied category theory for robotics and the co-design of complex engineering systems), however we hope it may be useful to a broad range of people working on compositional methods in engineering, computer science, the natural sciences, and mathematics.

What is (applied) category theory?

Learn about the basic ideas. A selection of primers and gentle introductions.

Learn (applied) category theory

Some links to books, notes, videos, and courses.

Materials on applied category theory for engineering

Our own research and teaching in applied category theory for engineering, in particular focused on the theory of co-design and applications in robotics, automation, and mobility systems.

Applied category theory in research and industry

Learn about the breadth of ACT activities and keep up to date with latest developments.